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Interest free loan for diverse womenpreneurs

Only 2% of investments are made in female founders.

Time for a change.

Imagine being a womenpreneur and needing funding to start or expand your business. Yet, the odds might be against you, as only 2% of women get funded. And within this percentage, only a small share goes to women of color. After coaching over 800 women in the past 3 years, it became apparent that, besides business coaching, our womenpreneurs also needed financial support/funding. In 2023, we launched the first edition of our #SheFUND — a interest free pitch competition. Out of 28 participants, 4 winners were chosen.

Besides access to funding, why is #SheFUND needed?

  • The lack of diversity or cultural sensitivity in existing organizations/institutions.
  • We’re giving entrepreneurs their first experience with investments, in smaller ticket sizes.
  • We’re working on the confidence and investor readiness of a target group that is underfunded.

Adding to internal factors, numbers such as only 2% of global investments are made in female owned businesses. Besides gender, factors like cultural background, access to info or education and societal obstacles increase women’s disadvantage. By creating our own starting capital structure, it allows us to add new step to our coaching ecosystem: making sure our womenpreneurs have access to money. It’s time to close the funding gap. 

Even when you’re not eligible for the #SheFUND and you’re in need of starting capital, don’t hesitate to send your case via We’ll be more than happy to guide you to the right tools and partners.

#SheFUND is a rent-free loan system by #SheDIDIT in close collaboration with Funds For Good and microStart, fueled by the Foundation Roi Baudoin. 

#SheFUND is the interest free loan for diverse womenpreneurs. We make opportunities as equally spread as talent.

The 2023 Winners

  • Iera Sih Nguijoel from Cuff Season: providing versatile and inclusive jewelry solution for wearing nose and ear cuffs without piercings.
  • Lina Laplume from Plume Evasion: sustainable and experiential travel designer, specialized in Caribbean destinations.
  • Aurelie Shomari from Mangazi Studio: making 3D visuals for architects and interior designers.
  • Debora Nijs-Demeulemeester from selling sustainable beauty products and underwear in nude tones suitable for brown and black skinned toned women.

How it works


You have a business and in need of extra capital  (€1.000 – €10.000) to fund it.

You want to learn how to manage your finances and pitch your business.

You want to get business coaching and expand your network.

You must meet all the requirements. You.. 

  • are 18+
  • are an officially registered business
  • are an #SheMeansBusiness alumnus or willing to join the program
  • have a business and financial plan
  • see the future growth in your business as a goal

Even when you’re not eligible for the #SheFUND and you’re in need of starting capital, don’t hesitate to send your need to We’ll be more than happy to guide you to the right tools and partners.

Why invest?


You can invest any amount, big or small, and get a 40% tax deduction (for private individuals) or company tax benefits.

You are supporting a group of women with a big societal impact.

The opportunity to share your knowledge by becoming a mentor.

We guarantee professional selection and coaching for the womenpreneurs.

Welcome to the #SheFUND

Please keep in mind that the pitch event will be in the Winter.